Blue Agave

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Manufacturer: Finck Cigar Company

Brand: Blue Agave

Country of Origin: Honduras

Wrapper: Connecticut

Wrapper Type: Ecuador Connecticut Shade

Filler: Honduran

Strength: Medium

Flavored?: Yes

When the Agave cactus flowers it produces a deliciously sweet syrup that makes an excellent alternative to sugar. We found that adding agave to our standard sweeteners creates a delicious flavor that marries exceptionally well with tobacco and delivers a luscious taste as soon as you put one of these unique cigars in your mouth. The sweet taste is slight and just enough is added to the head of the cigars so as not to interfere with the great tobacco flavors. Handmade with shade grown wrappers and mellow long fillers, these top-quality cigars are a best-selling Finck brand!

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Stock # Product Name Image Length Ring Gauge Price Stock Status Qty Units of Measure
Blue Agave

Blue Agave